Call for Abstract

41th Global Nanotechnology Congress , will be organized around the theme “Endless possibilities with nanotechnology conference”

Nanotechnology 2024 is comprised of 21 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Nanotechnology 2024.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Utilizing nanoscale materials as drug delivery systems or diagnostic tools is the exciting, quickly developing field of pharmaceutical nanotechnology in medicine. Nano-delivery system as a means of drug delivery. Many uses for nanoparticulate drug delivery systems exist, including gene therapy, cancer therapy, AIDS therapy, and radiation.


Chemistry is a key component in the interdisciplinary subject of advanced functional materials and interfaces. Finding solutions in industries including energy, healthcare, electronics, and catalysis depends on the discovery, understanding, and development of these materials.


Bio nanomaterials are generally defined as molecular materials that contain either all or a portion of biological molecules (for example, antibodies, proteins/enzymes, DNA, RNA, lipids, oligosaccharides, viruses, and cells) and produce molecular structures with a nanoscale dimensions


A molecular visualization software used for analyzing and visualizing molecular simulations. NAMD (Nanoscale Molecular Dynamics): A molecular dynamics software that enables the simulation of large-scale molecular systems and their interactions. In Nano systems, nanotechnology deals with small structures or small sized materials. The typical dimension extended from sub nanometer to several hundred nanometers range. The nanometer scale is defined as 1–100 nm. 

The term "composite nanoparticles" refers to nanomaterials with composite structures made up of two or more nanoscale components with unique physical and chemical properties. There are interfaces for mutual contact between the various components.


Energy harvesting is advantageous because it offers a way to power devices in locations without traditional power sources, doing away with the need for continuous battery replacement and running wires to end uses.



Engineering materials are used to provide the mechanical strength and stiffness. There are different classes of engineering materials which include composites, ceramics, polymers, and metals.The field of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology as an area within Materials Science spans the discovery, fabrication, characterization, modeling and end-use of nanoscale materials


Nanofabrication is the process of creating nanostructures, or items with zero, one, or two dimensions in the nanoscale range, which are most frequently employed as building blocks in the production of microelectronics, semiconductors, optics, etc. The process of creating a nanoscale pattern with at least one dimension less than 100 nm is known as Nano patterning.Pressing a mold containing 3D surface patterns onto a hot cast is how tiny things are made using the nanolithography technology .Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) is a process used to make patterns at the nanoscale. It is a simple, affordable, high-throughput, and high-resolution nanolithography technique. It creates patterns by mechanically deforming the impression resist and employing the following methods

The measurement of internal dimensions of nanomaterials and devices is the subject of nanometrology. For investigations on toxicity and industrial quality control, nanometrology is essential.The study of measurements at the nanoscale is known as Nano metrology. The nanometer, or nm, is equal to 10-9 meters. 

When it comes to water filtration, the pores of a carbon nanotube structure let water molecules pass through while drawing bacteria to the carbon surface. In order to remove contaminants, manufacturers can shape CNTs into sheets or spirals that draw water via their honeycomb-like structures.In waters with low total dissolved solids, nanofiltration is a filtration method that uses a nanoporous membrane. Along with disinfecting it by keeping the organic stuff, the goal is to eliminate polyvalent ions.


A nanostructure is a structure that lies in the size range between molecular and microscopic structures. Microstructure at the nanoscale is called nanostructure detail. Nanostructured materials are those whose dimensions fall within the range of nanometers. We specifically include such nanostructures as nanotubes, Nano fibrils, nanowires, spherical vesicles, etc. Nanostructure materials are primarily observed in the form of layered (lamellar) films, atomic clusters, and wire architectures.


Nanomedicine is the science and technology of employing molecular instruments and molecular knowledge of the human body to identify, treat, and prevent disease and traumatic injury, to relieve pain, and to maintain and enhance human health. Nano biotechnology.A recent topic of study called Nano biotechnology examines the special physical, chemical, and biological properties of nanostructures and their applications in a range of industries, such as food production and medicine. The main factors controlling the fungi that cause diseases in both plants and people have been shown to be metal nanoparticles

Nanomaterials present an opportunity to enhance these efforts. In recent years, scientists have developed nanomaterials in applications that can assist with waste management, cleaning the environment and providing efficient, clean energy solutions, such as nanomaterial-based solar cells. In addition, nanomaterials are being increasingly leveraged in consumer products to improve their quality and performance.Nano-scale computer chips and other devices are greatly benefiting contemporary sectors including textiles, automotive, civil engineering, construction, solar technologies, environmental applications, medicine, transportation, agriculture, and food processing, among others

Electronics has two subfields: microelectronics and nanoelectronics. In microelectronics, the nominal feature size of an electronic component is between 100 and 0.1 micrometers; in nanoelectronics, it is 100 nanometers or less. The memory storage capacity of today's cutting-edge electronic devices has been made possible by a huge increase in microchip density. Field-effect transistors can be made smaller so that more components can fit into integrated circuits, resulting in stronger, more energy-efficient electronic devices with lower weights and power requirements.


Multiferroism are substances that display more than one of the essential ferroic characteristics in the same phase. ferromagnetism is a magnetization that can change depending on the magnetic field being applied. Ferroelectricity is the ability to transition between two electric polarizations using an applied electric field.


The science of objects and structures with dimensions in the nanoscale range as well as events occurring in nanoseconds is what is meant by the term "nanophysics," which is accurate. It is only a tiny fraction of a meter—a nanometer—to be exact. Only halfway across a human hair's breadth could you traverse 50,000 nanometers. The behavior of matter at this scale, however, is novel, as researchers have found. The accurate definition of nanophysics is the physics of structures and artefacts with dimensions inside the nanometer variety or of phenomena taking area in nanoseconds. A nanometer is a mere one billionth of a meter. If you were to travel 50,000 nanometers, you'd only be halfway across the width of a human hair. But researchers have discovered that matter at this scale behaves in revolutionary ways.


Better batteries, such lithium-ion batteries, with enhanced energy density, charge and discharge efficiency, and cycle life, are created using nanotechnology. Fuel Cells: Fuel cells, which turn hydrogen fuel into energy, are made more reliable and effective using nanotechnology.


Information technology, homeland security, medical, transportation, energy, food safety, and environmental research are just a few of the industries and technology fields that nanotechnology is greatly advancing, if not revolutionizing. Future developments in nanotechnology may potentially make it possible for items to capture energy from their surroundings. With a high conversion efficiency, new Nano-materials and ideas are now being developed that have the ability to generate energy from motion, light, temperature fluctuations, glucose, and other sources.


Nanomaterials are typically defined as substances with at least one exterior dimension of 100 nm or less, or with internal structures of 100 nm or less. They could take the shape of particles, tubes, rods, or fibers. To make cement, textiles, and other materials stronger and lighter, nanomaterials can also be introduced. They are very useful in electronics because to their size, and they can also be used to bind with and neutralize contaminants in the environment during environmental remediation or clean-up.


Plasmonic materials are metals or metal-like materials that exhibit negative real permittivity. Most common plasmonic materials are gold and silver. However, many other materials show metal-like optical properties in specific wavelength ranges.Using nanophotonics to create high peak intensities: If a given amount of light energy is squeezed into a smaller and smaller volume ("hot-spot"), the intensity in the hot-spot gets larger and larger. This is especially helpful in nonlinear optics; an example is surface-enhanced Raman scattering.

Utilizing nanoscale materials as drug delivery systems or diagnostic tools is the exciting, quickly developing field of pharmaceutical nanotechnology in medicine. Nano-delivery system as a means of drug delivery. Many uses for nanoparticulate drug delivery systems exist, including gene therapy, cancer therapy, AIDS therapy, and radiation.