Davide Barreca
Senior Reseacher
Padova University, Italy
Davide Barreca got his MsC degree in Chemistry (110/110 cum laude) in 1996 and his PhD at Padova University in 2000. In 2001 he became a CNR Researcher. He is a Senior Researcher since 2002, and has the Habilitation to Full Professorship - SSD 03/B1 and SSD 03/B2. His activity on multi-functional metal-oxide nanosystems is documented by more than 260 papers, 5 patents and many invited talks. He received various awards, such as the Vincenzo Caglioti–Accademia dei Lincei Prize-2008 and the SAPIO Junior Prize-2010. He was/is local responsible in national and EU projects, and is member of the International EUROCVD Board. He is/was tutor of MsC/PhD theses and responsible for PhD/Post-Doc formation. Since 1999 he has been contract professor for Degree/PhD/Material School courses. He is European Editor of Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology/Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Letters and Referee for ISI journals and research projects. He was member of Scientific/Organizing Congress Committees, such as EUROCVD17 (Austria, 2009), ICACC (USA, 2013), and CIMTEC (Italy, 2014)
Research Interest
Molecular Science